Friday, 22 October 2010

3.0 Face Model

Once the initial face mask was made I next needed to use the side photo to extend the vertices's out to match the photo. I started by selecting the verts in a line down the center of the face on the front view and then dragging them to the right on the left view.

Here I had to use my judgment to place all the verts in the right places, I used the front view as a guide to see how close the verts should be to each other. In the more busy parts of the model I selected one vert at a time from the front and placed them in the right position using the left view.
Once this was done I selected all the verts down the center of the face and in 'Edit geometry' I clicked on the 'Maker planer' button and hit the x. This aligned all the verts up into a straight line. I then used a Symmetry Modifier to create the other side of the face. I had to flip the image and then align it (using the gizmo) so it matched up which my original model. Bellow is how the face looked.

The whole face gave me a better perspective of what I had done and I could now start to move the vertices's about abit to shape the face better. Trying to make the line flow from one side of the face was important to make the shape look real.

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